Ondesoft itunes converter three minutes
Ondesoft itunes converter three minutes

Once imported into the program, files can be cropped and sections of audio removed through a simple menu. After some trial and error, the recording functions became clear, but a tutorial would have been helpful.

ondesoft itunes converter three minutes

Buttons along the interface's top row easily identify functions to add programs from which to record and microphones to use. It is unclear if support is available for the program, and, outside of a basic help menu, there are no dedicated instructions. Other than a pop-up menu describing the trial version and requesting a key to unlock the program, setup did not require any user actions. The program's small size allowed for a fast installation. Unlocking the full version requires a $29.95 payment. Ondesoft Audio Recorder for Mac offers a free trial version, which limits playback to two minutes of audio.

ondesoft itunes converter three minutes

Ondesoft Audio Recorder for Mac, despite its basic interface, applies desired, albeit limited, modifications to songs or other audio files.

ondesoft itunes converter three minutes

Users who want to apply audio files to their project may need to edit them first.

Ondesoft itunes converter three minutes